Leave Your Legacy with a scholarship
Your support builds on a proud legacy of giving back to your community. Investing in the Grove City Chamber Foundation is a powerful endorsement that educational opportunities are a key aspect for the success of generations to come. Opportunities to obtain a degree transform lives, lift families, and helps secure our future. Include educational opportunities in your legacy plan and make an impact for generations to come.
Interested in a legacy scholarship? Email Greg Dawkins.

Platinum Level Sponsor $5,000
- 2 - $1,000 Scholarships in your name!
- 6 Tickets to the annual fundraiser
- Prominent ad on Advertising Boards placed at the event listing in Grove City Living, on Chamber and Foundation Websites, Chamber E-magazine, Social Media
- Listing in all marketing pieces
Gold Level Sponsor $2,500
- 1- $1000 Scholarship in your name!
- 4 Tickets to the annual fundraiser
- Ad on Advertising Boards placed at the event
- Listing in Grove City Living, on Chamber and Foundation Websites, Chamber E-magazine, Social Media
- Listed in select marketing pieces

Silver Level Sponsor $1,000
- 2 Tickets to the annual fundraiser
- Ad on Advertising Boards placed throughout the event
- Listing in Grove City Living, on Chamber and Foundation Websites and Chamber E-Magazine

Bronze Level Sponsor $500
- 1 Ticket to the annual fundraiser
- Listing in Grove City Living and on Chamber

Copper Level Sponsor $250
- Listing in Grove City Living and on Chamber and Foundation Websites

Friend of the Foundation $100
- Listing on the Foundation website